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  • a dining room table

    Santa Lucia

    Located on the top floor that includes a private terrace & 2 private rooms.

    Virtual Tour

    Capacity: Roaming 285, Plated 150

  • a large empty room

    Main Street Lounge

    Includes a private terrace.

    Virtual Tour

    Capacity: Roaming 75, Plated 50

  • Outdoor Patio

    An outdoor patio with fire pits, heaters, outdoor umbrellas, live foliage and a stage.

    Virtual Tour

    Capacity: Roaming 100, Dining 76

  • James Dean Restaurant & Bar

    Hosts James Dean's Hollywood Lifestyle in one room with a TV, full bar with over 100 bottles, Hollywood icon murals, and various seating ranging from counter, high top, regular tables and booth seating

    Capacity: Roaming 175, Dining 100

  • James Dean Sports Bar

    Hosts a James Dean garage atmosphere with a full bar of over 200 bottles, 5 TV's, and various seating from high top, counter and boot seating. 

    Capacity: Roaming 75, Dining 50

  • Off-site Catering

    Off-site catering and bartending services available

  • VIP

    For VIP Contact 831-253-3155

    IG: @201socialnightsvip